Arcas is a world facing food scarcity, political infighting, and the threat of alien incursion. But it’s all part of the starmakers’ grand design—until Chartrulean, the promised messiah, abandons piety for progress and becomes a shipbuilder instead. He ends a war and becomes the most powerful man on Arcas, ushering in a new technological era that rekindles hope for humanity while also deepening political divides. Chartrulean’s journey is deeply personal, as he struggles with identity, leadership, and the weight of his choices.
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Try not to sweat the small stuff. But for lore-seekers, check out the compendium.
Arcas trembles in the wake of a cataclysm that pauses an intergalactic war with the Rau. The planet's leaders clamber to receive the Rau's envoy while sweeping any signs of civil unrest under the rug. All the while, strange cosmic forces are at work, warning of impending doom. Chartrulean receives a curious gift and prepares to enter a fraught political landscape.
Content warning: explosions, depictions of psychological trauma
Yulia takes us all the way to the beginning of known civilization for an explanation of Arcas' ultimate cosmic authority, the Jhardeho Order.
Chartrulean begrudgingly endures the Starbringer banquet. Yoba introduces him to some of Simitu’s prominent figures, including the Starbringer family itself. King Starbringer kicks off the Age of Azurea in spectacular fashion.
Admiral Lapadine tells the story of Chartrulean's coming to Astreus Labs, three years prior to the events of the story.
Chartrulean gets a taste of the civilian plight. Havelion frets over King Starbringer’s arrival and intentions. King Starbringer declares Astreus a sanctuary for the Jhardekai. Admiral Lapadine hosts a summit where the future of azurea research hangs in the balance.
Content warning: food scarcity, psychological distress
Following Lapadine’s summit, King Starbringer commissions a special ship for Sophrosyne. Negotiations with the Rau begin as King Starbringer reflects on defining moments in his own leadership. Yoba plays a dangerous game with the Rau.
King Starbringer reflects on the Starbringer Dynasty's past, present, and future.
Sophrosyne remembers the strange letter left by her late mother and grapples with feelings of inadequacy. Chartrulean’s anxiety spirals out of control after the day’s disastrous events.
Content warnings: depictions of anxiety and depression, layered voices, references to child abuse, psychological distress
Sophrosyne makes a pitch. Cythaelia is given a crash course in Astreus’ innovative new wearable tech. A new political foe enters the arena.
Yoba reminisces about meeting Chartrulean as students at Idrica Seminary. Sophrosyne and Chartrulean have a disagreement. King Starbringer, Yoba, Lapadine and Chartrulean discuss Arcas’ past, present, and future.
Content warning: food scarcity, psychological distress
Yoba confronts Chartrulean about his passive behavior with the Starbringers. Josquin puts on a show for not being invited to the banquet. Chartrulean finds himself on uncertain terms with his protege while grappling with the implications of losing his “superman.”
Content warning: Physical altercation, spooky layered voices, loud noises
In Episode 1, how did Artedemis manage to traverse a blizzard of acid snow? Who is this mysterious Dr. Fillion? This bonus scene answers all.
The Rau unfurl their nefarious plan, and Cydar is left in critical condition. Yoba confronts Imsep about his “friends” while Loam suffers a mysterious infliction. Sophrosyne barges into Astreus to put some closure to her and Chartrulean’s disagreements. Havelion asks a favor.
Content warning: body horror, food scarcity
Magogoso gives us a glimpse at Arcas' past, and a take on what makes the Mystic Jhardeho different from modern Jhardeho. Specially for those looking for a deeper dive into Arcasian history and lore.
Chartrulean suffers a gruesome nightmare before seeking out an old friend. While searching for answers about Sophrosyne’s lineage, he finds only more questions. Imsep goes to enjoy his favorite drink.
Content warnings: Psychological distress, suffocation, graphic violence, murder
The mysterious Dr. Fillion finally surfaces. Chartrulean finds Nicola wandering in strange places. Imsep storms the Jhardeho temple while Loam delivers a message. Sophrosyne finally opens up to Chartrulean about a dream.
Content warnings: loud noises, ethereal whispers, psychological distress
Maldoro reflects on the meaning of progress.
King Starbringer spirals as the Rau drag out the negotiation process. The Rau visit the Jhardeho Temple and set new schemes in motion. Sophrosyne falters under the pressure of the tasks put before her by Havelion and Lapadine. Astreus receives a surprise visitor.
Content warnings: Depictions of drowning, body horror
Astreus is put into a tailspin with the arrival of a new visitor. Sophrosyne takes the mystery of her dream into her own hands. Havelion confronts Chartulean about the future of Astreus.
Content warnings: Depictions of drowning, body horror, severe weather, baby crying, psychological distress