Since Arcasian time works a bit differently than ours, ages are an approximation and given Earth equivalents. The only exceptions are the paladins, whose ages are more important to the story.
Affiliation: Astreus
Sex: Male
Age: Late 30s
Personality: Anxious, brooding, introverted
The series’ protagonist, Chartrulean is the Etruvian Messiah and has the ability to enter “the void”, a liminal space where time is altered and where additional observational powers become unlocked. He rejected the institution that tried to groom him and instead became a shipbuilder, believing that he could save his doomed world using technology. After a series of events gone wrong, he is now struggling to maintain his abilities—and his sanity.
Affiliation: House Starbringer
Sex: Female
Age: Mid to late 20s
Personality: Cynical, analytical, courageous
Princess Sophrosyne Starbringer spent most of her young adulthood in isolation. Now that the war is over and her family has returned to a public life, she is struggling to figure out her place in everything. A recurring dream and cryptic letter left by her deceased mother have left her with a mystery to solve, one that she believes will lead to a legacy greater than her family’s name.
Affiliation: Astreus
Sex: Male
Age: 16
Personality: Contemplative, natural leader, occasional troublemaker
Chartrulean’s protege and unwilling Lieutenant in the Royal Armed Forces, Havelion is grappling with his increased responsibility and loyalty to Chartrulean. All the while, a mysterious disease called “the berserker” is causing swings in his temperament.
Affiliation: House Starbringer
Sex: Male
Age: Late 30s
Personality: Observant, strategic, charismatic
Chamberlain Yoba keeps his finger on the pulse on everyone and everything going on in Simitu, including what goes on in the shadows. He is also a childhood friend and confidant of Chartrulean and is quick to extend a helping hand.
King Starbringer
Affiliation: House Starbringer
Sex: Male
Age: Late 50s - Early 60s
Personality: Charismatic, reactive, flighty, introspective
The Patriarch of House Starbringer and presiding King over all of Arcas, Buehl Starbringer is a bold and charismatic leader who harbors self-doubt. He struggles to make sweeping changes to atone for a family legacy of corruption and apathy. He is quick to turn to wine for comfort when the going gets tough, and leans on those he loves for reassurance that he’s “one of the good guys.”
Affiliation: House Starbringer
Sex: Male
Age: Early 20s
Personality: Languorous, cynical, begrudging
Openly called “The Broken Prince,” Imsep is known to be genetically weak and unfit to continue his family’s bloodline. His biology puts him at odds with his father, and he’s disengaged from his social responsibilities. He believes his “friends” have more to offer and is infatuated with rebellion, even if he doesn’t fully grasp the consequences of his actions.
Admiral Lapadine
Affiliation: Astreus
Sex: Male
Age: Late 50s - Early 60s
Personality: Assertive, confident, gentle-natured
The head of The Royal Armed Forces and overseer of Astreus Labs, Lapadine is a man who’s as endearing as he is cutthroat. He plays mentor to Chartrulean while monitoring The Rau. He has a love for music and wine, which King Starbringer takes advantage of.
Affiliation: Astreus
Sex: Female
Age: Late 30s
Personality: Care-giving, nervous, easily flustered
Borsha is Astreus’ facilities and operations manager, but has fallen into the role of Chartrulean’s personal caretaker. She can often be seen trying to ensure he has all of his base necessities including food, sleep, and liquid stimulants. But his overbearing nature has her feeling a bit exhausted.
Affiliation: The Mystics
Sex: Female
Age: 80+
Personality: Sharp-tongued, forthright, caring
Chartrulean’s former matron at Boethema and the Jhardeho Temple, and interim physician at Astreus. Shan works closely with Yulia and attempts to steer Chartrulean toward seeking help from the Mystics.
The Paladins
Affiliation: Astreus
Sex: Various
Age: 14-21
An elite force of Jhardekai, and pilots of The Nine. Their unit single handedly defeated The Rau and forced an armistice. Since battle, they have been afflicted by a mysterious disease the call “the berserker." They are Corbin, Quay, Famke, Sunyata, Nicola, Abruc, Havelion, Ditran and Homena. However, Ditran and Homena have been left catatonic, and the others fear that they face a similar fate.
The Rau
Affiliation: Rau
Sex: Male
Age: ???
Personality: Calculated, boisterous, strong-willed
Of the Rau Ambassadors, Drechen is the most outspoken. He is quick to challenge his opponents and is beholden to ensuring that the negotiation process is in the best interest to his colony—and that the Arcasians are showing proper respect.
Affiliation: Rau
Sex: Male
Age: ???
Personality: Cunning, strategic, devious
Where Drechen is more outspoken Grobien is more quietly devious, always watching others for a misstep or some other weakness to exploit. He is less adaptable to Arcasian ecology and customs, and voices his concerns and discomforts liberally.
Affiliation: Rau
Sex: Male
Age: ???
Personality: Sick, scheming, strong-willed
Most heard going into out of control coughing fits, Cydar’s role in the negotiation process is unclear. He was brought to Arcas in a sickly state and appears likely to die. He doesn’t speak to anyone outside of Drechen and Grobien, and chooses his few remaining words wisely.
Affiliation: House Starbringer
Sex: Female
Age: Early to mid 20s
Personality: Playful, trustworthy, positive-thinking
Cythaelia is Sophrosyne’s personal guardian and best friend. Her bubbly personality contrasts against the fierce punch she packs, and she’s always ready to spring into action to protect her mistress. Most of the time, though, she’s there for moral support and tries to approach Sophrosyne’s questions logically and practically.
Affiliation: House Starbringer
Sex: Male
Age: ?
Personality: Domineering, standoffish, silent
Prince Imsep’s guardian, Loam is a mute and only acknowledges commands with a grunt. Towering over his master, he has all the makings of a desert warrior, including intricate tattoos which he openly displays. He is often seen lurking in corners and remains stoic against Imsep’s constant verbal abuses.
The Order
Affiliation: Jhardeo Order
Sex: Male
Age: 80+
Personality: Rancorous, angry, spiritual
Abbott Maldoro is head of the Jhardeho Order and Chartrulean’s former mentor. Following a split with House Starbringer over the use of azurea, Maldoro holds one half of the planet’s political power. He will do anything to take down his rivals and restore Arcas to a path of spiritual enlightenment without the influences of greed and power.
Affiliation: Jhardeo Order
Sex: Male
Age: Late 60s - early 70s
Personality: Secretive, jokester, easy-going
Magogoso is Maldoro’s left hand, but secretly works as a smuggler. Most notably, Magogoso is known to help illegal Jhardekai sneak out of Simitu. His allegiances are considered unclear. He is also a friend and mentor to Chartrulean, who looks up to him despite his seedy nature.
The New Regime
Affiliation: New Regime
Sex: Male
Age: Late 20s - early 30s
Personality: Flamboyant, boisterous, troublemaker
Josquin is not-so-secretly the ringleader of the grassroots political campaign known ambiguously as The New Regime. It’s a movement against all the powers at be, and is branded as “the people’s response” to atrocities like food scarcity. However, their tactics are bluntly anarchistic, and Josquin stands accused of treason and terrorism. He spends most of his time in Simitu’s sister city, Cailou, where he can rally support away from Yoba’s watchful eye.
Affiliation: New Regime
Sex: Male
Age: Late 20s - early 30s
Personality: Devious, passionate, strategic
Abraset is the lead propagandist behind The New Regime’s movement, and he works closely with Josquin. There isn’t much known about him, other than that he has a penchant for writing leaflets that are effective in rousing Simitu’s poor into activism. He relies on the peoples’ emotional volatility, and is always looking for the next bit of intel that will get them riled up.
Affiliation: Vetrana Hydroponics
Sex: Female
Age: 30s
Personality: Cool and collected, business-forward, determined
Along with her partner, Vetra, Pytra is the co-chair of Vetrana Hydroponics, one of Arcas’ leading food purveyors. Their factory operates in the stratosphere, relying on water mined from asteroids. It is the closest elevator to Astreus. Pytra grows concerned about the food distribution in Simitu, and begins working with The New Regime’s networks of smugglers to ensure that everyone is being fed despite Maldoro’s alleged abuse of scarcity laws.
Affiliation: House Starbringer (Media)
Sex: Male
Age: 30s
Personality: Cunning, strategic, devious
Like Pytra, Lybender is a dignitary and works for House Starbringer as their “media man.” Lybender effectively controls the flow of information in Simitu, but recently has grown concerned for the treatment of its citizens. He’s grown sympathetic to the New Regime after working on the front lines to help Yoba stifle their more harmful propaganda.
The Mystics
Affiliation: The Mystics
Sex: Female
Age: ???
Personality: Spiritual, mysterious, emotionless
Yulia is the headmaster of Idrica Seminary, and presiding matriarch over The Mystics. A stoic custodian and protector of ancient knowledge, Yulia exudes wisdom and grace. Little is known about her as she leads a secretive life devoted to the old world and its customs. She has allowed the Seminary to be transformed into an open and protective space, especially for Idrica’s growing population or orphans.
Affiliation: Etruvian; The Mystics
Sex: Male
Age: 180
Personality: Cantankerous, stubborn, jaded
Artedemis is the former Etruvian and Chartrulean’s predecessor. He was believed to have retreated to the Zarastra region to join the collective consciousness—a spiritual and cosmic transition into death that takes years to complete—but he was rudely re-awakened with a new divine purpose: to steer Chartrulean back to the right path in the Starmakers’ grand design.
Dr. Fillion
Affiliation: none
Sex: Male
Age: 40s
Personality: Pragmatic, stubborn, sensible
The mysterious Dr. Fillion is both a physician and archeological enthusiast. He works under Yulia in both capacities, and is currently embarked on a mission to recover a mysterious device from the ruins of Zarastra. This is very inconvenient for Chartrulean, who is impatient for Fillion to return from his expedition to study the berserker. Little is known or understood about their relationship except that Chartrulean believes Fillion to be the only physician qualified to help.
Queen Hona
Affiliation: House Starbringer, The Mystics
Sex: Female
Age: Deceased
Personality: ???
Little is known about Hona outside of what we learn from other characters. Her character is implied to be eccentric yet tremendously loved. She left her daughter, Sophrosyne, a cryptic letter while on her deathbed, as well as a brooch. Chartrulean makes curious discoveries about her lineage.